TG Female Looking to experience Bondage

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Edinburgh, United Kingdom | Nainen Hae A Naista

Perus Informaatio

Kuvailisin itseäni
My name is Amber. How to summarize myself? Well let's start with the basics. I was born a girl in a boy's body and currently in the middle of my sex change to fit who I am. If this bothers you, stop reading now.

OK so you're still reading, excellent!! :D Well I've a few disabilities. ADHD, Asperger's Syndrome, depression, Anxiety and Fibromalagyia. All of these make up who I am. With the Fibro it basically is pain all over the muscle groups in my body and there are times I'm in a lot of pain and can't move too well. As i get older this will worsen, which means that I will need to be looked after on my bad days. If this bothers you for any reason again stop reading.

If you are still reading, thank you. It means a lot to me that you can see past the disabilities and gender change and can see me as a person. Well as you will read in the other sections I am looking for a long term relationship. Basically I'm looking for a woman to spend the rest of my life with. If this is you please message me.

I'm only interested in Women, so guys please don't bother as you will not get a response from me. So i probably seem like a real bitch from the way i have been writing. Trust me I'm not (unless you hurt me, but most people are ).

Anyways, I'm one of the most caring and loving people there is (or so I've been told)I like spending time with people, talking on the phone.

I have an interest in Bondage but never had the opportunity to explore it, hence the reason for being on here. so Yes I am a beginner

Ulkonäkö ja Tilanne

Vartalonmallini on
Pituuteni on
6' 0 (1.83 m)
Silmienvärini on
Etninen taustani on
Aviosäätyni on
Hiukseni ovat
Kastanjanruskea / Punainen
Minulla on yksi tai kaksi tällaista


Koulutukseni taso on
Jonkin verran Lukiota
Työllisyys tilanteeni on
Kaikki on rauhallista
Kyllä - Usein
Kyllä - Seurassa


Yläasteella olin
Kiinnostuksen kohteet ja Harrastukseni ovat
Taide & Käsityöt, Telttailu, Pelit, Musiikki, Valokuvat, Teatteri
Käsitykseni mukavasta ajanvietteestä on
Shoppailu, Konserttiin meneminen, Videopelien pelaaminen, Rentoutuminen, Kotona oleskelu, Uusien asioiden kokeilu
Unelma treffini olisivat
OK so my ideal first date is simple. Cinema or a lovely meal in a Resteraunt
Olen aina halunnut kokeilla
Always wanted to try Bondage. I look at it and just love the idea of it!
Kaverini kuvailevat minun olevan


Uskontoni on
Käyn säännöllisesti
Kerran kuukaudessa


Mikä sinua vetää puoleensa?
Kaljuus, Empatia, Flirttaileva, Viisaus, Herkkyys, Ajattelevaisuus
Minkälaista suhdetta etsit?
Sitoutunut, Avioliitto, Anaali seksi, Sidonta