Need Regular Discipline

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Leicester, United Kingdom | Жена тражим мушкарца

Основни подаци

Мој опис
I am a 39 year old Teacher. I just seem to keep being naughty. Just as well I can take a really sound spanking. I am fortunate to have a partner who believes in vigorous and frequent discipline. The problem is that my partner often travels and I really cannot go longer than a week or so without a thorough disciplinary session.

In one session I usually get a thorough bare bottom spanking, a variety of implements (paddles, crop, strap, etc), and always ending with a caning that leaves me striped for days.

To be clear: I need harsh discipline, not sex. Hard limits: my top stays on and so do your trousers. I do however enjoy (usually need) the application of oil/cold cream to the afflicted area afterwards.

This is with the full consent of my partner who will initially respond to inquiries. He will have no further involvement beyond maybe occasionally sending me round with a note if he thinks I need a little extra.

I am not here for time wasters. If I am interested we will quickly move to phone, maybe Skype, to a meeting. Not the slightest interest in correspondence, just a well striped bottom.

You should be within 50 miles of Leicester and able to accommodate.
Хороскопски знак

Изглед и стање

Моје грађа
170 цм
Брачно стање
Озбиљне везе
Имам децу
Желим децу
Моја најбоља карактеристика
Телесна обележја
Не пада ми на памет
Боја косе
Немам кућне љубимце
Спреман/Спремна за селидбу


Образовни ниво
Мој радни однос
Имам своју фирму
Моја струка
Назив мог радног места
Код куће
Нема буке


У друштву сам
Посматрач, Дружељубив/дружељубива, Волим да флертујем, Отворен/отоврена
Моја интересовања и хобији
Вежбање/Тренирање, Спортове, Музика, Плес, Аутомобили
Како замишљам провод
Дружење с пријатељима, Шопинг, Спавање, Концерт
Мој савршен први састанак
Put across your knee for a thorough spanking followed by the cane.
Моји пријатељи кажу да сам
Дружељубив/дружељубива, Кул, Волим да флертујем

Погледи/Животни ставови

Идем у цркву
Мој смисао за хумор
Паметан, Сиров/саркастичан, Непримерен(а)


На ТВ-у увек гледам
Не волим ТВ
У биоскопу увек гледам
Не волим филмове


Шта тражите?
I am a 39 year old Personal Trainer. I just seem to keep being naughty. Just as well I can take a really sound spanking. I am fortunate to have a partner who believes in vigorous and frequent discipline. The problem is that my partner often travels and I really cannot go longer than a week or so without a thorough disciplinary session.

In one session I usually get a thorough bare bottom spanking, a variety of implements (paddles, crop, strap, etc), and always ending with a caning that leaves me striped for days.

To be clear: I need harsh discipline, not sex. Hard limits: my top stays on and so do your trousers. I do however enjoy (usually need) the application of oil/cold cream to the afflicted area afterwards.

This is with the full consent of my partner who will initially respond to inquiries. He will have no further involvement beyond maybe occasionally sending me round with a note if he thinks I need a little extra.

I am not here for time wasters. If I am interested we will quickly move to phone, maybe Skype, to a meeting. Not the slightest interest in correspondence, just a well striped bottom.

You should be within 50 miles of Leicester and able to accommodate.