A Mistress on the Prowl
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania | Жена тражим жену
Основни подаци
Мој опис
I am a recently single woman and a SINGLE parent living in Philly, moving to Albuquerque, N.M. I had planned to move this year in August, but emotion gave way to common sense and I will not be moving until June 2010. I have a child, just can not move all willy nilly.
I AM looking for few sensual releases. Notice I does not say sexual.
I am looking for a submissive or two (male and/or female, maybe the right couple) and maybe even the right slut(s). I am looking for a sub to perform domestic services. I work on my feet, so I need a sub to care for my aching feet. As well a sub, to help with the upkeep of my locks. Someone to carry me on errands I must attend to as well as just someone for my pleasure and bidding. As a Mistress that loves a completed assignment and rewards according to the assignment's difficulty. Right now I am considering a submissive, but I am able to test out more than one. What I would like to have is two submissive and two sluts, (male and female). My sults don't have to be local, but they must be willing to visit at least twice year. This is so I can reward them if need be. I would like at least one slut to satisfy my desires as a voyuer. At the moment, I can not hold the responsibility of a slave. If I chose to accept a slave, then my slave must also serve as my sluts, must be local and have their own place. I don't have sexual contact with my sluts or slaves, so please consider that before approaching me. Sorry no live-ins. To be my submissive you must be dependable and committed. To receive the title of submissive is a big deal, because being my submissive is a position with a great deal of responsibility and trust, also you are in close contact with me.
I am looking to make friends in Philly as well as Albuquerque. So subs from Albuquerque are welcome to approach me. Lets chat and see what we can make happen.
I AM looking for few sensual releases. Notice I does not say sexual.
I am looking for a submissive or two (male and/or female, maybe the right couple) and maybe even the right slut(s). I am looking for a sub to perform domestic services. I work on my feet, so I need a sub to care for my aching feet. As well a sub, to help with the upkeep of my locks. Someone to carry me on errands I must attend to as well as just someone for my pleasure and bidding. As a Mistress that loves a completed assignment and rewards according to the assignment's difficulty. Right now I am considering a submissive, but I am able to test out more than one. What I would like to have is two submissive and two sluts, (male and female). My sults don't have to be local, but they must be willing to visit at least twice year. This is so I can reward them if need be. I would like at least one slut to satisfy my desires as a voyuer. At the moment, I can not hold the responsibility of a slave. If I chose to accept a slave, then my slave must also serve as my sluts, must be local and have their own place. I don't have sexual contact with my sluts or slaves, so please consider that before approaching me. Sorry no live-ins. To be my submissive you must be dependable and committed. To receive the title of submissive is a big deal, because being my submissive is a position with a great deal of responsibility and trust, also you are in close contact with me.
I am looking to make friends in Philly as well as Albuquerque. So subs from Albuquerque are welcome to approach me. Lets chat and see what we can make happen.
Хороскопски знак
Изглед и стање
Моје грађа
Прелеп и велик/прелепа и велика
173 цм
Боја очију
Брачно стање
Никад нисам био/била у браку
Имам децу
Да - код куће
Желим децу
Нисам сигуран/сигурна
Моја најбоља карактеристика
Телесна обележја
Минђуша/минђуше, Тајни пирсинг
Боја косе
Тамно смеђа
Немам кућне љубимце
Спреман/Спремна за селидбу
Образовни ниво
Факултет, али га нисам завршио/завршила
Мој радни однос
Пуно радно време
Моја струка
Назив мог радног места
Мој годишњи приход
$15.000USD до $29.999USD
Код куће
Увек је мирно
Да - у друштву
У средњој школи био/била сам
У друштву сам
Уздржан/уздржана, Посматрач, Дружељубив/дружељубива, Занимљив(а), Волим да флертујем
Моја интересовања и хобији
Уметност и занат, Читање, Учење, Музика, ТВ, Филмове, Интернет, Породица, Вечере, Фотографија, Позориште, Кување, Картање, Рачунари
Како замишљам провод
Дружење с пријатељима, Журке, Волим да останем код куће, Волим да испробавам нове ствари, Биоскоп, Блеја, Клубови/барови, Читање, Игре, ТВ, Концерт, Посета музеју
Мој савршен први састанак
Lunch at either some place new or my favorite food place.
Одувек сам желео/желела да
I have always wanted to try sushi.
Моји пријатељи кажу да сам
Дружељубив/дружељубива, Кул, Савршен(а), Непримерен(а), Блесав/блесава, Волим да флертујем
Погледи/Животни ставови
Духован/духовна сам, али не религиозан/религиозна
Идем у цркву
На годишњем одмору
Мој животни циљ
To continue to be a good mother and to finally start my own business when I get to Albuquerque.
Мој смисао за хумор
Пренаглашен, Паметан, Сиров/саркастичан, Дружељубив/дружељубива, Блесав/блесава, Чудан/чудна, Урнебесан/слепстик, Непримерен(а), Садистички
На ТВ-у увек гледам
Вести, Документарце, Драме, Комедије ситуације/Ситкоме, Наставне програме, Филмове, ”Ријалити шоу” програме, Репризе програма
У биоскопу увек гледам
Акције, Научну фантастику, Комедије, Породица, Анимиране филмове, Хороре, Трилере
Увек слушам
Кантри, Реп, Рок, Електро, Поп, Класична, Блуз, Латино, ”Њу ејџ” музика, Амбијентална, Денс, Сол, Реге, Госпел, Народна, Панк
Увек читам
Антологије, Аутобиографије, Биографије, Фантазије, Историјске, Мистерије, Филозофске, Поезија, Ја сам писац
Како замишљам добру забаву
Going to the movies, park or the beach
Шта Вас привлачи?
Интелигенција, Смисао за хумор, Вештине, Осећајност, Спонтаност, Флертовање, Домишљатост, Брижљивост, Пасивност
Шта тражите?
I am looking for a submissive or two (male and/or female, maybe the right couple) and maybe even the right slut(s). I am looking for a sub to perform domestic services. I work on my feet, so I need a sub to care for my aching feet. As well a sub, to help with the upkeep of my locks. Someone to carry me on errands I must attend to as well as just someone for my pleasure and bidding. As a Mistress that loves a completed assignment and rewards according to the assignment's difficulty. Right now I am considering a submissive, but I am able to test out more than one. What I would like to have is two submissive and two sluts, (male and female). My sults don't have to be local, but they must be willing to visit at least twice year. This is so I can reward them if need be. I would like at least one slut to satisfy my desires as a voyuer. At the moment, I can not hold the responsibility of a slave. If I chose to accept a slave, then my slave must also serve as my sluts, must be local and have
Какву везу тражите?
Групни секс, Орални секс, Анални секс, Доминација, Везивање, Састанак