Young sub girl - Under Consideration

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Bristol, United Kingdom | Femme Cherchant Homme

Informations de base

Je me décrirais comme
Hi I'm new here so I'll probably have to update this at a later date when I get a better idea of what people include here.I am a submissive girl who doesn't switch (believe me I've tried). Most of my experience of being a sub comes from online exploration and play. I guess I've always been a bit apprehensive about going looking for a specifically Dom/sub relationship in real life. This might be partly to do with the fact that hardly anyone I know in real life knows about my submissive nature. I guess I keep it a secret just because it seemed easier that way. And I guess in a way I kind of like it like that, because then it retains the element of being taboo.I don't think I'm looking for anything other than online play and good conversation from joining here. However, I like to stick to the rule of never say never, and things have developed in the past when I've least expected it. I suppose what I'm trying to say is that I'm always open to potentials and possibilities.Being a sub, for me, is all about the intense relationship one can have with her Master. A sub does not submit merely because she is told to or forced to. There needs to first be a fundamental level of mutual trust and respect for each other. A sub should submit willingly and want to please her Master, knowing that he will ultimately reward her. I know from experience that I can be a very good sub for the right person (although I guess I don't know if I could in real life as I have only ever had long-term online relationships). However, saying that, I can always learn more, and every Master is different and I love the idea of being shaped and moulded into the perfect sub for each new Master I have, through training and discipline.I generally prefer talking and playing with older guys, just because, from my experience, they tend to be better at dominating, and also more likely to be articulate - as this is especially important for online play. However, I hate over-generalisations, and will always be open to exceptions. As for the other half of the population, I guess I've always been a tiny bit bi-curious, but I've never had any experience with girls, because I've never met anyone (in real life or online) who could sufficiently turn my head. But remember, I never say never!

Apparence & situation

Ma silhouette est
Ma taille est
5' 3 (1.6 m)
Mes yeux sont
Mon origine ethnique est
Ma situation maritale est
J'ai des enfants
Je veux des enfants
Pas sûr/e
Ce que j'ai de mieux
Art Corporel
Tatouages visibles, Autre
Mes cheveux sont
J'en ai 1 ou plus
Pas d'animaux


Mon niveau d'éducation est
Diplôme d'études supérieures
Je vis
En colocation
Chez moi
C'est un peu le chaos
Je fume
Oui - socialement
Je bois de l'alcool
Oui - socialement


Socialement, je suis plutôt
Comique, Séducteur, Sympa, Ouvert, Bizarre
Mes passions et loisirs sont
Art & artisanat, Fêtes, Cuisine, Danse, Apprendre, Films, Musique, Photographie, Jeux de cartes, Lecture, Théâtre
Un bon moment pour moi c'est
Sorties en boîte / tour des bars, Sortir avec des amis, Aller à un concert, Faire la fête, Lire, Me relaxer, Dormir, Faire de nouvelles expériences
Mes amis me décrivent comme
Sympa, Cool, Obscur/e, Un amour

Points de vue sur la vie

Ma religion c'est
Mon sens de l'humour est plutôt
Intelligent, Sarcastique, Obscur/e


A la télévision, je regarde
Actualités, Documentaires, Sitcoms, Films, Je n'aime pas la télévision
Quand je vais au cinéma, je regarde toujours
Action, Science-fiction, Comédies, Drames, Documentaires, Horreur, Thrillers, Adultes
Quand j'écoute de la musique, ce que je préfère c'est
Classique, Dance, Folk, Jazz, Punk, Reggae, Rock
Quand je lis, ce que je préfère c'est
Littérature classique, Erotique, Fantaisie, Fictions, Horreur, Humour, Philosophie, Poésie, Satires, Sciences, Science-fiction

Recherchant un/e

Que trouvez-vous attirant?
Audace, Empathie, Séduction, Humour, Intelligence, Etrangeté, Sensibilité, Spontanéité, Délicatesse, Bon sens
Quel type de relation recherchez-vous?
Pote virtuel, Vrai‧e ami‧e, Relation intime, Domination, Bondage