Young sub girl - Under Consideration

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Bristol, United Kingdom | Kvinne Søker A Mann

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Hi I'm new here so I'll probably have to update this at a later date when I get a better idea of what people include here.I am a submissive girl who doesn't switch (believe me I've tried). Most of my experience of being a sub comes from online exploration and play. I guess I've always been a bit apprehensive about going looking for a specifically Dom/sub relationship in real life. This might be partly to do with the fact that hardly anyone I know in real life knows about my submissive nature. I guess I keep it a secret just because it seemed easier that way. And I guess in a way I kind of like it like that, because then it retains the element of being taboo.I don't think I'm looking for anything other than online play and good conversation from joining here. However, I like to stick to the rule of never say never, and things have developed in the past when I've least expected it. I suppose what I'm trying to say is that I'm always open to potentials and possibilities.Being a sub, for me, is all about the intense relationship one can have with her Master. A sub does not submit merely because she is told to or forced to. There needs to first be a fundamental level of mutual trust and respect for each other. A sub should submit willingly and want to please her Master, knowing that he will ultimately reward her. I know from experience that I can be a very good sub for the right person (although I guess I don't know if I could in real life as I have only ever had long-term online relationships). However, saying that, I can always learn more, and every Master is different and I love the idea of being shaped and moulded into the perfect sub for each new Master I have, through training and discipline.I generally prefer talking and playing with older guys, just because, from my experience, they tend to be better at dominating, and also more likely to be articulate - as this is especially important for online play. However, I hate over-generalisations, and will always be open to exceptions. As for the other half of the population, I guess I've always been a tiny bit bi-curious, but I've never had any experience with girls, because I've never met anyone (in real life or online) who could sufficiently turn my head. But remember, I never say never!

Utseende & Situasjon

My Kroppstype er
Min høyde er
5 '3 (1,6 M)
Øynene mine er
Min etnisitet er
Min Sivilsituasjon er
Jeg har barn
Jeg vil ha barn
Min beste egenskap er
Kropps kunst
Synlig tatovering, Annet
Mitt hår er
Jeg har en eller flere av disse
Ingen dyr


Min Utdanningsnivå Er
Jeg bor
Med romkamerat (er)
Det kan bli litt sprøtt noen ganger
Jeg er en røyker
Ja - Sosialt
Jeg drikker
Ja - Sosialt


Min sosiale atferd er
Komisk, Flørtende, Vennlig, Utadvent, Merkelig
Mine interesser og hobbier er
Kunst og Håndverk, Klubb / Bar Hopping, Lage mat, Dansing, Lære, Filmer, Musikk, Fotografi, Kortspill, Lese, Teater
Min idé av å ha det gøy er
Klubb / Bar, Være med venner, Gå på konsert, Feste, Lese en bok, Slappe av, Sove, Prøve nye ting
Mine venner beskriver meg som
Vennlig, Kul, obskur, En flørt


Min religion er
Min humoristiske sans er
Smart, Tørr / Sarkastisk, obskur


På TV ser jeg alltid på
Nyheter, Dokumentarer, Komedie, Filmer, Jeg liker ikke Tv
Når jeg går på kino, går jeg alltid for å se en
Action, Science Fiction, Komedie, Drama, Dokumentar, Skrekk, Thriller, Voksen
Når jeg hører på musikk, så hører jeg alltid på
Klassisk, Dance, Folkemusikk, Jazz, Punk, Reggae, Rock
Når jeg leser, så leser jeg alltid
Klassisk, Erotikk, Fantasi, Fiction, Skrekk, Humor, Filosofi, Poesi, Satire, Vitenskap, Science Fiction

Leter etter

Hva finner du attraktivt?
Dristighet, Empati, flørtende, Humor, Intelligens, Rariteter, Følsomhet, Spontanitet, Omtanksfull, vett
Hva slag forhold søker du?
Internett Venn, Venn, Intim, Dominans, Bondage