A dom who's been on the receiving end

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Guildford, United Kingdom | Mies Hae A Naista

Perus Informaatio

Osaan puhua
Kuvailisin itseäni
Of all the terms used in BDSM, "Switch" seems to be the most misunderstood. It's not half of one and half the other; it's ALL of BOTH.

So, right now, I'm focussing on the Dom side. But what this means to you, as a Sub, is that I have been on your position and I know how hard it is to find a Master or Mistress who isn't...well, all about themselves, basically.

I don't think you are a snivelling worm, only fit to follow my orders whether you've hit subspace or not. I don't set out to do what I want to do regardless of what mood you are in. I'm very open to those who want to top from the bottom.

I enjoy slowly, inexorably bringing subs to ask (or beg) for some act to be performed upon them. I personally believe that bondage should be for the sensation of restraint rather than a means of control...that convincing a Sub to stay still without restraints is in fact a higher form of submission.

Of course, I also enjoy just flat out destroying someone whilst in full control! But if you are looking for someone who knows what it is to be disappointed by amateur and professional Dom /Dommes and wishes they could meet one who let you humiliate yourself to the degree you can do perfectly well on your own...but now with a trustworthy witness...that's me.

If you are a Dom / Domme and you've read this far, then yes of COURSE I'm interested. But I will contine to search for a Sub with whom I can grow my Dom side, preferably long term, regardless.

If you are a Switch who read this far, then please see above...with the caveat that you may be that sub.

Oh a note on accommodation.
Short answer: your place.
Longer answer: There's no secret wife or SO. My mother is almost 90 and she's not going in a home for as long as I can avoid it, end of story. So yes, I'm living at home. Yes, that seems weird for someone my age. But the alternative is something I could not live with and would feel guilty about for the rest of my life, so that's that. If we were talking about vanilla relationships then I'd brief you more about what to expect and give you the choice...but not for this part of my life. I hope you all can understand what I am saying here, reading between the lines. If you can't...wait until your parents get old and you'll figure it out then.

Ulkonäkö ja Tilanne

Vartalonmallini on
Pituuteni on
6' 0 (1.83 m)
Etninen taustani on
Aviosäätyni on
Minulla on lapsia
Haluan lapsia
En ole varma
Paras puoleni on
En edes harkitsisi
Hiukseni ovat
Minulla on yksi tai kaksi tällaista
Ei lemmikeitä
Olen valmis muuttamaan


Koulutukseni taso on
Työllisyys tilanteeni on
Rakennus / Käsityö
Työ tittelini on
I'm a Gardener
Vanhempien kanssa
Kaikki on rauhallista
Kyllä - Seurassa
Kyllä - Yksi tai Kaksi


Yläasteella olin
Matti Meikäläinen
Sosiaalinen käyttäytymiseni
Kiinnostuksen kohteet ja Harrastukseni ovat
Urheilu, Musiikki, Pelit, Matkustaminen, Kokkaus, Puutarhanhoito, Telttailu, Tietokoneet
Käsitykseni mukavasta ajanvietteestä on
Kavereiden kanssa hengailu, Rentoutuminen, Kirjan Lukeminen, Museossa käyminen
Unelma treffini olisivat
...a frank and honest synopsis of what both parties were looking for, followed by finding out whether there was an attraction that merited moving forward. Somewhere public...lunch, dinner, walk in park, swimming is a good date IMHO given that you really can't hide anything. But definitely a date with no strings.
Olen aina halunnut kokeilla
Ha I've tried a LOT from a sexual point of view. And the stuff I still want to try is NOT going up on a website lol
Kaverini kuvailevat minun olevan


Uskontoni on
Ei uskonnollinen
Käyn säännöllisesti
Ei koskaan
Tavoitteeni elämässäni on
To find contentment whilst seeing others around me achieve this as well. Oh and to discover the secret of golf, write a book and become rich, foregoing contentment for hedonism and then dying alone. One of the two.
Minun tapainen huumori on
Älykäs, Kuiva / Sarkastinen, Epävarma


Televisiosta katson
En pidä televisiosta, Urheilu
Kun menen elokuviin, lähden katsomaan
Scifi, Draama
Kun kuuntelen musiikkia, kuuntelen aina
Elektroninen, Klassinen
Kun luen, luen aina
Uutiset, Fantasia, Kaunokirjallisuus, Koti & Puutarha, Huumori, Luonto, Filosofia, Poliittinen, Tiede, Scifi, Urheilu
Käsitykseni hauskanpidosta on
Long walks, proper hikes, golf, wild swimming, good conversation, reading...oh and sex


Mikä sinua vetää puoleensa?
Nokkela, Spontaanisuus, Huumori, Hyvä ulkonäkö, Ajattelevaisuus, Viisaus
Mitä etsit?
Sanity, mostly. I think BDSM is about honesty and trust above all. So yeah, those three things.
Minkälaista suhdetta etsit?
Päivämäärä, Intiimi, Sitoutunut, Oraali seksi, Anaali seksi, Ylivalta, Sidonta, Haluan vain panna